Warriors' Angels Logo

We are in the process of updating this webpage as we are updating the WA-TX program in accordance with the “National Standards” as developed and provided by the “Association of Service Dog Providers for Military Veterans (ASDPMV) coalition.  We hope to implement Warrior’s Angels in Central TX prior to end of 2022.

Questions regarding this program at this time, please contact our national office via phone (254-248-1818 between hours of 10 AM – 1 PM, central time, Mon-Thurs) or sending an email to info@gafsp.org until further notice.

Donations are tax-deductible as allowed by the organization’s IRS Exemption Status Letter and under section 170(b)(1)(A)(vi) of the Internal Revenue Code and specific tax-deductible related questions should be discussed with your personal tax advisor – Fed ID: 20-2229425

Via Check or Money Order

Payable to: Guardian Angels for Soldier’s Pet
Memo line either: WA-TX

Mail to:

Guardian Angels for Soldier’s Pet
402 Barton Ln
Gatesville, TX 76528-6806

Via PayPal: Warriors’ Angels – TX Donations

The Guardian Angels for Soldier’s Pet© Warriors’ Angels-TX© (WA-TX) Program was developed to support service members and veterans having been medically diagnosed with PTSD, TBI, or MST) and official recommendation from their Primary Care Manager (PCM) to us has been received that an “Assistance Service Dog” (ASD) will help improve the service member/veteran’s quality of life.

Note: Guardian Angels for Soldier’s Pet is in the process of pursuing membership in the ASDPMV coalition.

Our goal is to implement WA-TX in Central TX (in and around Fort Hood area) and to eventually expand the program to the Dallas/Fort Worth area, Southwest TX (El Paso area) plus evaluating the need for the program in the Northwest TX area, Southeast TX area, and Northeast TX area.

Understanding PTSD

Warriors’ Angels “Definitions”

The program includes but not limited to qualifying potential service member/veteran applicants, determining potential ASD candidates via a specific evaluation process, arranging for specific “Team” (specific Handler and ASD candidate), program certification, and on-going WA Team follow up until such time as the ASD can no longer perform the functions it was trained to do or the Team has officially been dropped from the program.

The program is being redeveloped in accordance with the AKC, and ASDPMV organizations involved with defining and developing standards and recommended certification criteria for these Teams (service member or veteran and a specific Assistance Service Dog) from a privately trained perspective.

All applicants will be considered regardless of race, sex, religion, creed, sexual orientation, and ethnic origin.

WA-TX Program Process

Under development.

WA-TX Program Standards

The following documents provide full details related to the standards that have been established for the Warriors’ Angels-TX (WA-TX) program.  The following documents are currently under review and updated versions will be provided prior to implementation of the program covering Central TX.

WA-TX Financial Related Details 

Following documents are being reviewed and will be adjusted accordingly and the updated documents will be provided here:

Get Involved


The program is provided based on Direct Public Support (individuals, businesses, other organizations), Indirect Public Support (3rd party entities such as PayPal Giving Fund, iGive, and Amazon Smile), and Sponsorship Levels.

Volunteer Opportunities 

Volunteer Application: Please click HERE and download the application by saving it to your computer, prepare, print prepared copy, sign, and fax to our National office (877-788-8048).

WA-TX Program Supporters

Program supporters will be added here.

Spread the Word

Follow the program and its activities on Facebook, by clicking here and then “liking”. Additional Information