It is strongly recommended that you print this page for future reference. Please read this page completely before actually submitting any pets needing a foster home. We retain the right to decline any request if requirements are not adhered to except in rare situations.
We assist with Wounded Warrior and family members needing foster home assistance due to combat injuries including TBI, PTSD, or other major medical issues. We work with the various VA medical assigned representatives (caseworker, mentor, counselor, social work, etc.), military medical facility (assigned Primary Case Manager), Fisher House representative, or the military Warrior Transition Unit (WTU)Primary Care Manager.
Foster Term: between 9 to 12 months depending on the case.
Submission Requirements
The following is required by the legal pet owner (Please read and follow as required):
Step 1: Assigned “Case Worker” or “Social Worker” or “Primary Care Manager (PCM) calls our national office 254-248-1818.
Step 2: VA or VA approved program assigned “Case Worker” or “Primary Care Manager” (PCM) – completes and submits the following form to our National Office.
- Name
- Relationship
- Phone number
- E-mail address in the Additional Comments section at end of the submission document.
Upon receipt of the “Military/Veteran Pet Assistance (MPA Request) Form”, the MPA Administrator will send an e-mail with further instructions. All efforts will be made to respond to the MPA request as quickly as possible but may be up 48 hours before we can respond.
Step 3: The legal military pet owner or their authorized representative submits an appropriate pet submission form – one submission per pet being submitted (Foster Term 2 – 12 months).
Other Type of Pet Submission Form
Note: If the legal military pet owner wishes their authorized representative to submit the above pet submission form(s), then the legal military pet owner needs to:
- Send an e-mail to our national office (
- Subject Line of E-mail: Authorized Representative
- Body of the E-mail:
- Legal per owner’s name
- Pet name or names
- State where the pet is located
- Individual authorized person’s name
- Contact phone number
- E-mail address
- Relationship to the legal military pet owner
Step 4: Copy of each submitted pet’s current veterinarian records which provides:
(1) Vaccinations are current including Rabies Certificate
(2) The pet is altered
(3) Has been tested for Heartworm (canines) or Feline Leukemia (felines) in the last 6 months with negative results
(4) The pet is Micro-chipped. We do not require a pet entering our program to be Micro-chipped We do recommend this as an additional safety precaution. The veterinarian’s office may send requested records to our national office directly with your permission by either faxing the records to FAX 877-788-8048 or as attachment to an e-mail to
Note: Item 3 to be faxed to our National office via Fax # 877-788-8048 or e-mailed as an attachment to as soon as possible so the assigned coordinator can begin to assist you.
Other Responsibilities
In addition, the legal military pet owner or their authorized representative is responsible for the following:
1. Respond to phone calls or e-mails from the assigned Coordination Liaison as quickly as possible. In delay to do so may impact how quickly we can assist. If you have not received a reply to calls or e-mails to the Coordination Liaison after 48 hours, please contact our National Office via e-mail,
E-mail Subject Line: (State) – (MSM Last Name) – (Pet Name)
Example: IL – Jones – Pet Rover
Note: If you have found a foster home on your own, please e-mail the assigned FCL and our National office of such, so the FCL can continue assisting other clients.
2. Participate in a “Meet & Greet” where possible with the potential foster home between you, your pet, the foster home family, and their pets to determine if this is a good fit for your pet and they are comfortable caring for your pet or pets.
3. If both parties are comfortable then you and the chosen foster home are required to prepare and sign the Fostering Written Agreement (FWA). The FWA will be sent as an attachment to the “Meet & Greet” e-mail to both the legal military pet owner and the Foster Home. Be sure to read the entire agreement and any questions should be directed to the assigned Foster Coordination Liaison (FCL).
Note: The FWA is a binding document for all parties involved so please complete all information. Each party needs to retain a copy of the prepared/signed document.
4. The Foster Home caregiver (Guardian Angel) is to fax a copy of the prepared/signed FWA to our National office (Fax 877-788-8048) within 5 days after the pet or pets are placed in the foster home.
Failure to prepare and sign the FWA will be recognized as an agreement between you and the foster home only, and outside of the Guardian Angels for Soldier’s Pet responsibility. For your protection, and that of your pet, an FWA is required to be prepared and signed by both parties.