Our 3rd Party Fundraising Guideline has been developed to assist those who wish to raise funds benefiting MVP Sanctuary – TX© whether by an individual,a group the of people, business/corporation employees, a school, or another tax-exempt nonprofit organization (i.e., VFW,American Legion, DAV, AUSA, Boys/Girl Scouts, 4-H, Lions, church, etc.).  This guideline has been established as a protection to both a specific Event Coordinator and MVP Sanctuary – TX© to ensure that the proper paper trail, record-keeping, and accounting requirements are accomplished.  Basically, there are two (2) types of “Third-Party Activities” as follows:
  1. Group or individual can host an event or sponsor an activity and make MVP Sanctuary – TX© the beneficiary.  Examples:(a) An organization hosts a “dance”  or “poker rung” and donates to MVP Sanctuary – TX© a check for the “net proceeds” from the event; (b) an individual hosts a “party” or “event” where the “net proceeds” or a “percentage of sales” is donated to MVP Sanctuary – TX© and made via a check to benefit the Organization.
  2. MVP Sanctuary – TX© can“piggyback” on an existing event, adding a third-party Fundraising element and receive the income produced from that element.  Example: A company has an annual or monthly party and asks their employees to bring a monetary donation for MVP Sanctuary – TX or a group becomes a sponsor of an annual marathon offering registrants the opportunity to receive pledges for MVP Sanctuary – TX©.


  • Specific guidelines relating to “Third party fundraising” is HERE
  • Link to our “Fundraising Event Proposal Form” is available HERE

The funds received by MVP Sanctuary – TX would be the “Net Proceeds” after all expenses related to the event held have been paid (if applicable), plus the funds received would be designated for a specific purpose. In addition, how the net proceeds will be used by MVP Sanctuary – TX will be printed on all materials promoting the event itself.