January 2007

In January 2007 the Guardian Angels for Soldier’s Pet “Board of Directors” approved the following to be known as the MVP Sanctuary Project:

Develop a special place for these beloved pets when an approved foster home available when needed and expand the organization’s ability to assist our veterans and their beloved pets related to an unforeseen medical and/or homeless situation.

Establish the following:

1.) Official National Headquarters to accomplish the “day-to-day” operations of Guardian Angels for soldier’s Pet and the first MVP Sanctuary.

2.) A dedicated area to honor &remember our fallen heroes and set up a special place for others to visit from across the country.

3.) A dedicated area to bring our veterans from VA Veteran Homes for a day of fishing and a picnic out in the country is another way to let our veterans they have not been forgotten.

4.) A dedicated area to honor and remember beloved pets who were in our foster home program that have crossed the Rainbow Bridge.

5.) A dedicated area to hold events for our military community including our veterans, their families, and beloved pets. Also will allow the organization to hold specific fundraising events.

2008 through 2010

Though originally the plan for the first MVP Sanctuary was scheduled to be developed in the state of Arkansas, mid-2009 the decision was made to establish the first MVP Sanctuary in the state of Texas, whereas on June 17, 2010, we purchased on closed on 13 acres in Gatesville, TX (approximately 14 miles west of Fort Hood) and on September 1, 2010, officially opened our temporary National office on the property.

2011 through 2012

As of June 6, 2012, we were able to add an additional 1.75 acres, whereas the first MVP Sanctuary will now consist of 14.75 acres, allowing additional designated picnic areas, walking/jogging trails, parking capabilities, and co-locate the “Remembering Our Pets Garden” and the “Honor & Remember Garden”.


July 1, 2013 MVP Sanctuary project becomes  MVP Sanctuary – TX, and ALL volunteer “Military and Veterans Support Organization” nonprofit public charity honoring, remembering, and supporting our military and veteran communities. Guardian Angels for Soldier’s Pet© approves MVP Sanctuary – TX as an approved affiliate (subordinate organization) whereas donations to MVP Sanctuary – TX are tax-deductible to the donor as allowed by IRS code via the Guardian Angels for Soldier’s Pet© IRS “Group Exemption Letter” (GEL 5352). During the 4th quarter of 2014, the Warriors’ Angels Training Facility building was added as part of MVP Sanctuary – TX for training WA Teams in Central TX.